
It’s not just about the shot but the story behind it.

Growing up living a busy life, there was always some burst of chaos, yet excitement, at any given time. I grew up dancing at a studio where we were constantly jumping from class, to rehearsals, to team dinners, to sleep overs with friends, to competitions, to recitals, and so on. There was never a dull moment, so the 9 year old me decided to capture every second of it on photos and video. This casual hobby of finding the best angle for each photo, or putting together short iMovie videos, turned into a great, creative passion of mine. I took my love for photography and began to shoot photos for my friends, whether it be for fun, for school, or for a class. This later turned into a mini side job for myself, shooting family photos, senior photos, and maturity photos. As for video, that transitioned into YouTube content and vlogs. I loved showing off my personality online, as well as edit my footage and transform it into something that was me. Going into college, I had my mind set on film production and cinematography, thinking I wanted to pursue it as a career. Although, I soon found out that there was so much out there in the media industry that I was interested in. I’m slowly still discovering some potential career choices, but am always open to widening my platform.